About the Utah Amateur Radio Club website:

Welcome to the Utah Amateur Radio Club's web site. Our club is the oldest and largest amateur radio club in the state of Utah. It holds the call W7SP, a memorial call for Leonard (Zim) Zimmerman, early UARC member and radio pioneer. It also publishes a monthly newsletter called The Microvolt, electronic versions of which can be found here.

To use this site, please select from the links in the index on the left. You will find the most common destinations available there. Some links direct you to another menu for certain items. The Microvolt link is an example.

This site includes information about the club's history and current activities, as well as answers to the most frequently asked questions about Amateur Radio in Utah and Amateur Radio in general. We hope you find it useful. Suggestions are always appreciated.

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Medium UARC Member Badge

  • Brand: The Ham Badgers
  • Product Code: MediumUARCBadge
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $10.00

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