Who are The Ham Badgers?

Richard Futrell and Eric Palmatier have been friends and business partners for over 25 years. The two got their start with dial-up bulletin board services (BBS) in the Raleigh, NC area in the 80s and 90s. They joined forces to operate their own computer sales and service company for many years. Somehow, they both got interested in amateur radio at the same time, and were licensed in 1995.  Over the years, businesses changed and distances grew, but they always maintained their friendship. Of course, it probably helped that Richard married into Eric's family, too.

Looking for their next joint venture together, they wanted to do something related to ham radio. It occurred to them that there isn't a really good, fast source of personalized name badges for ham radio operators unless they were standing at a hamfest. They had seen some of the inefficiencies with ham radio badge makers. In that, a business idea formed.

Richard and Eric spent about a year researching the engraving business, badge making, and tested multiple technologies before putting their business idea into operation. In the end, The Ham Badgers was born.

The founders (the Ham Badgers, if you will) started their business with a few principles:

- Our business should help amateur radio, hams, and ham radio organizations.

- Do not be afraid of modern technology if it does the job fast and efficiently.

- Treat our customers like we would our friends and family.

Why "The Ham Badgers?" Well, it just sounded good. Oh, and it describes the major part of the business, too.

We were heavily influenced by The Cap'N'Badge Man himself, Dale WA4EZU. Dale used to come to our local hamfest when we were new to the hobby. Dale had one rule: "If you are not satisfied, we will make it right." Dale had no issues showing off his engraving equipment to newly licensed operators in the 90s, and Dale never once wanted to hide behind a curtain and separate himself from his fellow hams. Dyrell J E "Dale" Marquis, SR., became a silent key on May 14, 2001.

We hope to hear you on the air sometime. Check out the Contact Us page to find ways to connect with us online, in person, over the air, and via brain wave transmission. We can't verify that the last method works, so be weary.

73 from The Ham Badgers

Richard N4AED and Eric N4EZX